Executive director of the show, Koji EL Komada |
ジャパン・アーツ祭り(JAM 2009)をブルックリンまで観に行ってきました。とにかく素晴らしかったです!日本の伝統芸能から琉球音楽から剣劇からバレエからモダンダンスからヨサコイ踊りまで、とにかくパワフルで見ごたえたっぷりショーでした。ライブの迫力はやはり凄いですね。爆発力とでも言うのでしょうか。ナマの生命力が稲妻のように会場を走ります。しかも、これが全て私が探し求めている日本の文化に深く根付くものですから、もうたまりませんよ。日本の文化は大きく変わりました。日本で生まれ育った私でさえ、こういう伝統芸能のほとんどは未知の国のものなのです。
I went to see Japan Arts Matsuri (JAM 2009) in Brooklyn. "Matsuri" means festival, by the way. That was one great collaboration of acts. There were Japanese traditional arts, Okinawan music, samurai sword play, modern ballet, modern jazz dance, and modern arrange of Yosakoi (traditional dance of Shikoku Island). The live show was all so powerful and very explosive. The energy of life force thundered all over the hall. Lest we forget, every act was based on Japanese culture which I have been desperately longing for. Japanese culture changed a lot. I was born and raised in a quite traditional area of Tokyo, but, even to me, those "Japanese things" are like something from other country. You konw, I was watching MTV and playing video games when I was a kid 30 years ago. That was the evil side effect of the rapid development.
During the show, I really enjoyed the modern performing arts in under way. After the show, I saw the ghost image of the history of us Japanese, our roots.
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