Sunday, May 18, 2008

WaFoo outside of WaFoo: Riverside Opera Company


There was the concert of Riverside Opera Company today and Kazuo (contrabass), Yuuki (flute & piccolo) and me, Ippei (cello) participated in it. This is another project of Maestro Alan Aurelia, the conductor of Richmond County Orchestra (RCO), and the project consists of RCO musicians plus several opera singers.

 Trinity Lutheran Church という私は初めての場所でのコンサートだったのですが、とにかく音響がいい場所で、私のチェロから聴いたことがない音が出てました。大変、気持ちよく演奏ができました。

The concert was held at Trinity Lutheran Church where I had never played before and the church had great acoustics. My cello was singing by the voice that I had never heard. I really enjoyed playing in there.


This concert was entitled as "Puccini Festival 2008" to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Italian composer Puccini's birth. We performed the excerpts from several operas of Puccini and some other composers.

The pics after the concert

Sunday, May 4, 2008

White Plains Cherry Blossom Festival @ Turnure Park

 まず初めに当日の朝に突然、会場が変更になった事をお詫びします。我々にとっても青天の霹靂で、サウンドチェックのために2時間前にDelfino Parkに付くと、その会場となるスケート場は鍵がかけられ、人っ子一人いないという目が点になるような状況でした。皆様、申し訳ございません。しかし、突然の変更であっても、会場が室内から屋外に変わったのは嬉しいことでもありました。雨の予報があったために近隣のDelfino Parkの屋内スケート場へと会場が一度は変わったのですが、Turnure Park で桜に囲まれながら演奏するというのは、私たちも毎年楽しみにしていることですし、やっぱり花見は外でないといけません。花見を屋内でやるなんて、キャンプファイアを屋内でやるようなものです。
First of all, we apologize for the last-minute location change. We, the performers, did not even get notified, but in a way, I'm glad that they changed the location back to outdoor even if it was at very last minute. The cherry-blossom viewing is very popular event in Japan and of course it is very outdoor event. The festival coordinators switched the location to the near-by indoor ice rink because they were expecting some rain. Viewing Sakura from inside through windows?? No-no-no, it has to be outside. It's like doing a campfire in indoor.
We would like to thank everybody who came to our concert and also everybody who happened to be there and listened to our performance. Although we only had enough time to play four tunes, we were satisfied with whole concert.



We deeply apologize for this very last minute place change.

Turnure Park
Corner of Lake Ave & Canfield Ave
White Plains, NY

Friday, May 2, 2008

White Plains Cherry Blossom Festival

Hello everyone. We hope you all are enjoying seeing all kinds of flowers blooming. My friends and I were performing at Washington Square Park on the other day. People were just roaming around and enjoying the serene view of the colorful flowers in all over the places. The tree of flowers which attracted this old-school Japanese man the most with its bright color of pink was, of course, the cherry blossom.

WaFoo is going to participate in White Plains Cherry Blossom Festival. The sponsor of the festival just switched the site due to the rain in forecast.

May 4th (Sun) 12 noon
Delfino Park
53 Lake St.
White Plains, NY
Link to the map

The festival is going to take place from 12 noon till 5pm and WaFoo is going to perform from 12pm sharp for half an hour. Please come around.