Saturday, July 18, 2009

Greenbelt Nature Center in Staten Island, NY

Yuuki Koike (Flute, Alto Sax)
Takeshi Asai (Keyboard)
Kazuo Nakamura (Bass)
Yutaka Uchida (Drums)
Ippei Ichimaru (Shamisen, Sanshin, Cello, Percussion)

We had a concert at the Greenbelt Nature Center in Staten Island, New York. The Greenbelt is one of the largest all-urban parks in America and it is three and a half times bigger than the Central Park in Manhattan. Right on the center of the park, there is a small museum which introduces the rich nature of the Greenbelt and we played at the yard of that.

This poem is written by one of the most famous poet in Japan, Matsuo Basho. Well, maybe because this place is surrounded with nature, this poem and the frog statue fits really well with the woods.

WaFoo Chamber Unit +1 @ Tuttoriso in Staten Island, NY

Yuuki Koike (Flute, Alto Sax)
Takeshi Asai (Keyboard)
Kazuo Nakamura (Bass)
Ippei Ichimaru (Percussion)

The usual gig at Tuttoriso. I, Ippei, has been participated in this chamber unit recently.

Friday, July 3, 2009

WaFoo outside of WaFoo: International String Trio


There was a wedding gig with Ippei's other band in Queens and Yuuki helped me playing the flute today. Thank you, Yuuki!